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General Information

  • Tel Aviv University map and relevant Conference Locations

  • Tel Aviv Municipality official Tourist Information site

  • Getting to and from Ben Gurion Airport (Video explaining arrival procedures at the airport)

  • Public transportation in Tel Aviv:

  • Shuttle Service:

    • Mornings: There will be one bus going from downtown Tel Aviv, near the beach area, to the conference venue. The bus will run every day from Monday to Friday, and will carry a sign with the ICQ15 logo. There are three pickup points, as follows:

      1. 07:45 - Dan Panorama Hotel - 10 Kaufmann St.

      2. 07:50 - Dan Tel Aviv Hotel - 99 HaYarkon St.

      3. 08:00 - Tal Hotel - 287 HaYarkon St.

        Do not be late, as the bus will not wait, but it may be late due to traffic.

    • Evenings: There will be one bus going from the conference venue to the hotels mentioned above at the end of activities on Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday. Arrangements on Tuesday and Thursday evenings will be announced at the conference.

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